Interactive Cases

DMD Micro-Learning Library


Activity Info

The DMD Micro-Learning library features Panel Discussions, Podcasts, an Interactive Case and Resources. Learners can choose what interests them the most or complete the full activity.

CME Information is included in the activity.


Video | Podcast | Primary Care | CME (AMA PRA Category 1 Credit) | 0.25 - 15 mins | 0.50 - 30 mins | 0.75 - 45 mins | 1.0 - 60 mins | Interactive Case | Neurology | Neuromuscular Specialist | Pediatrics | 2.0 - 120 mins | Family Medicine | Nurse | Nurse Practitioner | Online | Animation | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) | Microlearning | 

The France Foundation

A ACCME Accredited provider.

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