
Relative Risk Assessment: Impact of RSV in the Adult Population


Activity Info

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a highly contagious seasonal lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) characterized by cough, runny nose, sneezing, wheezing, sore throat, fatigue, decreased appetite, and fever, affecting children and adults. RSV can be particularly dangerous for older adults, who experience more severe disease as a consequence of increased vulnerability to infection. Listen in as this multidisciplinary panel of experts discuss the disease burden of RSV in adults with a focus on hospitalizations, comorbidities, and related health disparities and the role of vaccines in prevention strategies.

CME/CE Information is available in the activity.


Webinar | Pulmonary | CME (AMA PRA Category 1 Credit) | 1.0 - 60 mins | Interactive Case | Internal Medicine | Family Medicine | Nurse | Nurse Practitioner | Online | ACPE | Physician Assistant | ANCC | Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) | 

The France Foundation

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